SRC Only
Redesigned Solid Brass Rose Cross, with polished mirror finish. This redesign was envisioned to provide a studier construction meant to last a life time. Many crosses available today are thin stamped versions, and while they serve their purpose, this edition is built to last with heirloom quality and weight that you can feel on you.
- Laser etched for precision
- 2 sizes
- 1/8th of an inch thick
- Weight, approximately 33.5 grams (may have very slight variation)
- Mirrored polished finish, Solid Brass
- Made in the USA
Comparison photos to a standard stamped version. Moe than double the weight and double the thickness.
***Note: Mirrored finish should not be polished with any abrasive like Brasso or Barkeepers Friend. Polish using a cloth like a "Sunshine Cloth" to remove any tarnish.
Used in many modern orders, here is a description from Wiki:
Regardie says of the rosy cross in The Golden Dawn:
The Rose-Cross is a Lamen or badge synthesizing a vast concourse of ideas, representing in a single emblem the Great Work itself—the harmonious reconciliation in one symbol of diverse and apparently contradictory concepts, the reconciliation of divinity and manhood. It is a highly important symbol to be worn over the heart during every important operation. It is a glyph, in one sense, of the higher Genius to whose knowledge and conversation the student is eternally aspiring. In the Rituals it is described as the Key of Sigils and Rituals.